Contact Details
The information on this page contains relevant contact information for the school and who would be the best person placed to answer any question or query.
Headteacher: Mr Brent Ellis
Potley Hill Primary School
Potley Hill Road
GU46 6AG
School Contact: Valerie Conroy (Senior Admin Officer)
Telephone number: 01252 876106
Email address:
SENCO: Elaine Morris
Email address:
If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on the school website, please contact the school office by emailing the address above.
Procedures for Parents
We know that when parents have a concern that relates to their child at school, they often feel the best way forward is to ask to see the Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher – whether this is pastoral, curriculum-related or staffing-related in nature. However, it is our experience that many of these concerns can often be most quickly resolved by talking first to the most appropriate person. The flow chart below outlines who this will be.