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The Governing Body

The Governing Body is composed of unpaid volunteers who have agreed to support and challenge the work of the school under the head teacher's leadership. Governors represent various interested groups as defined by law. The Governing Body adopted The Circle Model as a whole Governing Body Approach in September 2022 which means no decisions are delegated to committees, so all the relevant decisions are made within full board meetings. The work of the committees is incorporated into an increased number of full board meetings, therefore there are 9 Governing Body Meetings each academic year. Each full board meeting will often have one main focus, such as the budget or educational standards, but will also review policies, discuss Health and Safety and Safeguarding updates at every meeting. From time to time working parties are convened to undertake a particular task, such as self-evaluation. Governors also monitor the work of the school through visiting classes and attending school events.

The Annual Governance Statement below outlines some of the key information about our Governing Body and the work carried out by the different groups.

Also, if you are interested in becoming a School Governor and believe you have a skillset that would benefit the school then why not take a look here for further information about our current vacancies or read the Governor Recruitment Leaflet below.

Contact details:

Chair of Governors: Mrs Antonetta Neville-Kwantes
Telephone number: 01252 876106
Email address:

Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Caroline McMillan
Telephone number: 01252 876106
Email address:


Type of Governor

Date appointed End of term of office

Pecuniary Interests

Meeting Attendance


Brent Ellis





James Wilson


5.12.22 5.12.26



Antonetta Neville-Kwantes (Chair & Safeguarding)


3.12.22 3.12.26


Nicholas Godwin Co-opted 9.12.21 8.12.25 None 8/9
John Bartlett Co-opted 19.5.22 18.5.26 None 7/9
Mark Lovejoy Parent 25.1.23 24.1.27 None 8/9
James Bowen Co-opted 19.2.24 18.2.28 None 4/5
Kathryn Stilwell Parent 17.4.24 16.4.28 None 3/3
Joanna Miles Staff 15.7.24 14.7.28 None 1/1
Rhea Horlock Co-opted 16.9.24 15.9.28 None N/A
Caroline McMillan Clerk 1.11.24   None N/A
Philomena D'Sa Local Authority 25.11.24 24.11.28 None N/A


Historic 2021-Present
Name Type of governor Date appointed End of term of office Stepped down Meeting Attendance 2023-24
Scott Lloyd Payne LA 3.6.19 2.6.23 13.9.21 N/A
Anastasia Petrova Co-opted 18.10.18 17.10.22 13.9.21 N/A
Heather Clarke Headteacher 24.7.13   1.9.21 N/A
Pam Dowell Co-opted 16.10.18 15.10.22 1.11.21 N/A
Joanne Woodhead Co-opted 22.3.18 21.3.22 30.11.21 N/A
Emma Spittle Co-opted 4.1.21 3.1.25 18.1.22 N/A
Emily Burningham Co-opted 19.10.21 18.10.25 1.2.22 N/A
Robert McSorley LA  25.10.21 24.10.25 3.2.22 N/A
Rosie Robbins Co-opted 9.12.21 8.12.25 13.7.23 N/A
Lorna Wilkinson Co-opted 15.9.22 14.9.26 13.7.23 N/A
Leanne Noble Co-opted 15.9.22 14.9.26 15.1.24 2/3
Joanne Mallion Co-opted 11.2.21 10.2.25 29.1.24 3/4
Steph Reid Parent 25.1.23 24.1.27 2.2.24 4/4
Ryan Farrer Co-opted 20.4.20 19.4.24 19.4.24 6/6
Louise Sinclair Co-opted 7.10.20 6.10.24 27.6.24 6/8
Val Conroy Staff 20.7.20 10.7.24 10.7.24 8/8
Terri Hurlow Clerk     31.8.24 9/9